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St Edmund's
Raise the Roof Appeal

Thank you!

Our Plant Sale, Summer Fair, Book Sale, Christmas Bazaar and Christmas Tree Festival are all held in aid of the Raise the Roof appeal.

You can find dates and times on our calendar of events here.

Why do we need an appeal?  Quite simply, our roofs are leaking and the rain is coming in. We need to raise funds to keep our Church and Hall buildings available for the benefit of the whole community.


Phase 1 is now complete and the flat roofs and the front and side of church and hall have been replaced along with internal redecoration.  Thank you for your support!


Phase 2 - What, when and how much?


Phase 2 includes work which must be completed in the next couple of years. This includes:


  • Complete replacement of the Hall and Lady Chapel tiled pitched roofs and guttering

  • The replacement of the flat roofs above the Church vestries and guttering

  • The replacement of the leaking cascading roofs above the Lady Chapel altar


An updated budget estimate was received in December 2023 and the cost is approximately £200,000 including VAT.    


We already have £81,000 thanks to previous and current fundraising efforts and contributions from St Edmund's organisations.


Our remaining fundraising target for Phase 2 is £119,000.


What can I do?


  • If you are able, please consider making a donation to help directly towards the Phase 2 target

  • Support St Edmund’s Fundraising Events over the coming months.


We will provide regular updates on the progress of this Appeal in Church, here on the website and in newsletters and social media.


Please keep in touch with us


E-mail  and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the Appeal, the work involved and its progress.


A final thought...


St Edmund’s was originally built through the generosity of the people of this Parish (many giving a Shilling a Week!).  In this generation’s hour of need, we are appealing once again to the people of the whole Parish and beyond to join us in preserving our buildings, for the benefit of all our local community, those who worship here, watch our services online and for the Christian mission of this Church serving generations to come.


Thank you – we are grateful for your support

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