The Season of Lent
at St Edmund's Church Northwood Hills
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday which falls on the 5th of March this year.
Services will be held at St Edmund's on Ash Wednesday at 10am (Said Eucharist) and at 8pm (Sung Eucharist). During these services the Imposition of Ashes will be offered. Receiving the mark of ashes on our foreheads reminds us of our mortality and is a symbol of penitence.
Our Lent Course this year is called 'Another Story Must Begin' and is based on Victor Hugo's book, film and stage adaptation of "Les Misérables".
Using clips from the film we will explore the grace of God and our own fallen state and opportunity for redemption, and help us reassess what we can do with our lives and for those around us.
The booklet for the course is written by Jonathan Meyer and is called 'Another Story Must Begin'. It is obtainable on Amazon here. The course is running on Thursday evenings, from 13th March until 10th April. Please come and enjoy the discussions!
The course will be held in the Small Hall (the room behind the Hall) on:
Thursday 13th March 7.45pm
Thursday 20th March 7.45pm
Thursday 27th March 7.45pm
Thursday 3rd April 7.45pm
Thursday 10th April 7.45pm
The Friday 11am Eucharists during Lent will include devotions based on the Stations of the Cross. The services will be followed by a simple soup and roll lunch in the Susan Old Lounge. All are very welcome.
This year our Lent Giving will be split 50-50 between The Angola London Mozambique Association and Papyrus UK. Papyrus is a national charity for the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional well-being in young people.​
You can donate by:
Inserting cash or a cheque into a purple Lent Giving envelope available at the back of Church before or after the 10am Eucharist on Sundays and placing it into the offertory dishes at the back of the Church
Sending a cheque made payable to PCC of St Edmund The King to:
St Edmund's Church Lent Appeal
2 Pinner Road
Bank Transfer (BACS)
If you are considering donating via BACS please complete the form below and we will e-mail you the bank details: