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Please complete the form below if you would like to apply to join our Electoral Roll.  The Roll is being fully revised this year which means everyone who was on the old roll must re-apply in order to be included.


Please read the form carefully to check you are eligible.  Make your declaration(s) and sign and date the form.  When you have completed the form please either print it and place it in the box in the Church foyer, or e-mail a copy to our Electoral Roll Officer, Anita, using the following e-mail address: 


Note:  If you are e-mailing the form it is acceptable to print your name as your signature if you wish.​


It is important every eligible member of our worshipping community completes an application form.  Applications must be received by Saturday 22nd March 2025 in order to be included on the new roll in time for this year's APCM.


Thank you.

Electoral Roll Application Form

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